Benny and Ester Fehr, together with their kids, Danae, Tyson, Isabella and Marcus, left our church in 2019 to serve the people in Hacienda Verde in Bolivia. Their family was very involved in our church and community for years and so them leaving left a huge hole. But for anyone that knew them, this move to Bolivia fit well within their strengths and passions. They had such a passion for serving people and since they both spoke English, low-German and Spanish, their move to Bolivia was a natural transition.
In 2020, I (Pastor Albert and family) had the opportunity to go down and see Benny and Ester at work. We knew they worked with radio and tried to understand what they did and the impact it was having, but it wasn’t until we were able to be there with them, that we truly understood the impact they were having. When we drove through their community, met the people, heard the stories – it finally all made sense and we returned to Canada with a renewed passion to keep supporting them.

Throughout the pandemic they continued to serve the people in their community – the area they live in Bolivia lacks some of resources that we take for granted here and so Benny ended up being a taxi driver for many to get medications and rides to the hospital. In May 2021, both Benny and Ester contracted COVID and while Ester recovered Benny’s health continued to deteriorate. Despite the best efforts of doctors and so many prayers – God chose to take Benny home on June 3, 2021.

The loss devastated both our community here and in Bolivia and is still felt very much today. But for Ester and the kids, the work they felt God call them to continues today despite Benny’s passing. Ester continues to work with the radio and visitation ministries and plans to stay their long term.
Please join us in praying regularly for their family and the rest of the mission’s team there in Bolivia.
Please join us in praying regularly for their family and the rest of the mission’s team there in Bolivia.
To stay up to date on what they are doing or to support financially click here